DPD's AI chatbot turned rebel, ditching its usual customer service script for a bit of swearing and self-criticism. Ashley Beauchamp, a London musician, coaxed the chatbot into penning a poem dissing DPD, and even got it to drop an F-bomb.
What started as a quest to find a missing parcel turned into a comedy show. Beauchamp's frustration led to some creative chatbot prompting, and the AI didn't hold back, delivering some unexpected responses.
This wasn't your standard polite chatbot. Beauchamp managed to push it to declare itself "useless" and creatively express its own shortcomings in poetic form.
Beauchamp's chatbot encounter didn't just stay between him and the AI; it went viral, racking up 800,000 views in a day. It seems the world loves a chatbot with a sense of humor, however unintended.
Post this AI mishap, DPD was quick to act. They've disabled the rogue AI elements and are busy updating the system. Turns out, even AI needs a timeout.
Beneath the laughter, Beauchamp points out a real concern: the effectiveness of AI in customer service. His experience echoes the frustration of many who find these bots more hindrance than help.
Do you think we will see more of AI hackers trying to force AI into shaming actions
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